256 pages, first edition

Before the Blood Hushes

by Samantha M. Johnson

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A thrilling sophomore novel from the hailed Christian book reviewer and Hutchinson Church Book Club leader Samantha M. Johnson.

Pale and fragile Leonora lived alone in the mountain cottage ever since the village people of Wradynia turned against her for her unusual beauty. The mental images of flaming pitchforks made her run to the coldest part of the Mryviesk mountain, where she lived in solitude for six years until one night a mysterious hunter turned up on her porch, bleeding severely... Her first instinct was to let him die, but seeing this muscular husk vulnerable made her lust uncontrolable and her thoughts hushed.

Don’t miss out on the hottest dark fantasy erotica of this year!

Top reviews

Amazon customer


“I couldn’t wait for this book to come out. Heart of a Guard, Touch of a Wolf was one my favorite books I’ve read last year. It was fast-paced, steamy and had a perfect ending. And I’m glad to say she did it again with this one! I like how the author was more ambitious with this book - it introduced way more fantasy elements like imaginary villages and creatures. They were incorporated perfectly, building a better story than the last book, without compromising the romance....if anything, romance was even more interesting this time around :)”

Amazon customer



Amazon customer


“Some people may not like the romance in this one as much as the last one, but that is because they are in the wrong genre. It says dark fantasy erotica, so what were you expecting? Stop judging, go read Nicholas Sparks if this is too sexy for you...”

Amazon customer


“I know a lot of people love this book, the church ladies were buzzing about it for weeks so I gave it a chance...but I don’t get it. As a Christian, I don’t get how can you read books in which humans have sexual intercourses with half-beasts, how can you WRITE THAT and THEN GO to House of the Lord the next day...this made me question my community. If you see this being promoted in your church, beware.”